Samurai Warriors

Samurai were legendary warriors that were an important part of Japan’s caste system.  They fought as loyal servants for the diamyos, or great lords.  These men followed a strict code called the bushido or “the way of the warrior”.  Thier rules were derived from confucian philosophy.  They included justice, courage, mercy, politeness, honesty, honor, loyalty, and self-control.  If they were not images-1loyal or broke one of these rules they were expected to perform a ritual suicide.  Samurai used weapons such as, bows, arrows, spears, and guns but for the most part the weapon of choice was the sword.  This katana swords were made by only the most experienced swordsmiths and were often named by the samurai in dedication to their devotion to this art of warfare.  It was believed that the warriors’ spirit was kept in their sword. The men were trained for years in the art of “Bujutsu” or the “Martial Way”.  They were trained in ground fighting, unarmed fighting, and fighting with a variety of different weapons.

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