Feudal Japan

During feudal or medieval periods in Japan’s history, heads of clans and tribes took power of large parts of the country.  The two leaders of the Taira and Minamoto clans fought against one another for control of the mighty empire of Japan.  It was also during this period warriors and samurai began to emerge. UnknownThese warriors were high in the caste system, and were very loyal to their shogun leaders. Later in the same time span, with chaos throughout Japan, a vassal named Toyotomi Hideyoshi helped unite the people of Japan.

The Gempei War

The Gempei War was a five year long war that resulted in the establishment of the Kamakura Shogunate.  The mighty power-thirsty clans of Taira and Minamoto fought for the control of country of Japan.  19They fought throughout the Honshu and Kyushu islands.  When the war ended, Minamoto dominated.  Through this,  the islands experienced many changes, especially in government.  The direct imperial rule ended in favor of songate or military rule.

Samurai Warriors

Samurai were legendary warriors that were an important part of Japan’s caste system.  They fought as loyal servants for the diamyos, or great lords.  These men followed a strict code called the bushido or “the way of the warrior”.  Thier rules were derived from confucian philosophy.  They included justice, courage, mercy, politeness, honesty, honor, loyalty, and self-control.  If they were not images-1loyal or broke one of these rules they were expected to perform a ritual suicide.  Samurai used weapons such as, bows, arrows, spears, and guns but for the most part the weapon of choice was the sword.  This katana swords were made by only the most experienced swordsmiths and were often named by the samurai in dedication to their devotion to this art of warfare.  It was believed that the warriors’ spirit was kept in their sword. The men were trained for years in the art of “Bujutsu” or the “Martial Way”.  They were trained in ground fighting, unarmed fighting, and fighting with a variety of different weapons.


Religion in the medieval period of Japan was very diverse throughout the provinces.  These religions were mostly based off of Shinto, or “the way of the gods”. imagesThis focused on worshipping nature.  It also implied that nature spirits, or Kami, were in everything.  However, the main religion during this time was Zen or Zen Buddhism.  This religion taught about reaching inner peace.  Although Buddhism taught how to reach inner peace, or nirvana, Zen Buddhism reached it a different way.  zen_500To reach this state the person must meditate for long periods of time and have self-control.  This method was used by samurai before combat.  This would help them dismiss the thought of death while on the battlefield and master essential fighting skills.

To Conclude…

Japanese culture has changed dramatically over the span of its lengthy history.  The feudal or medieval period of Japan included the legendary Gempei War which completely changed the way the government was both run and structured. 0002 During this time period, Samurais begin to fight in favor of their master’s wishes while following the strict code of bushido.  Lastly, religion shaped Japanese culture with Zen Buddhism; which meant the worship of nature and its spirits.  All these important aspects to Japan’s feudal history helped shaped the country it is today.